Saturday, June 20, 2009

Catholic Bishops Asked To Re-Think Their Stance On ProLife Issues

In a small story in the Inside Higher Ed, Richard A. Yanikoski, president of the association of Catholic colleges, has asked the US bishops to review their stance on allowing schools to honor politicians who believe in murdering children. Here's the link:

I don't understand why these people can't get it.

The bishops could revisit their recommendations a thousand times, but they'd always end up with the same conclusion. We're talking about the Church here, not some human institution that can fall prey to every hair brained agenda that some idiot in higher education wants to promote.

Every now and then, I get this flash in my head, and I really start to grasp just how BAD abortion really is. I find myself living in a world where the most abominable sin is being called a right, and it makes me feel like I'm in some sort of surreal fantasy world.

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